Tag Archives: California Rehab Center

Does insurance cover rehab?

Does insurance cover rehab?

Does insurance cover rehab? If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, alcoholism, or any form of substance abuse disorder you may have wondered is rehab covered by insurance? Addiction and alcoholism are considered diseases and therefore many insurance companies will cover rehab treatment. Our rehab centers in Los Angeles county accepts

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Principles of Effective Treatment

What are the principles of treatment? Addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior.  So what are the principles of treatment? Drugs of abuse alter the brain’s structure and function, resulting in changes that persist long after drug use has ceased. This may explain why drug abusers are at risk

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Principles of Effective Treatment
Types of sensory stimulation

Types of sensory stimulation

Types of sensory stimulation for stress relief Learn how to use sensory stimulation to relieve stress on the spot and stay calm, productive, and focused—no matter what life throws at you. Check out these fun types of sensory stimulation tips for stress relief. Ever wish a stress superhero could save you from the tension of

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Job Loss and Unemployment Stress

How to cope with unemployment stress? While the stress of losing a job can seem overwhelming, there are many things you can do to take control of the situation, maintain your spirits, and find a renewed sense of purpose. Let’s talk about how to cope with unemployment stress?  Losing a job is one of life’s

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Job Loss and Unemployment Stress
What are the treatments for addiction?

What are the treatments for addiction?

What are the best treatments for addiction? Addictive disorders are a group of disorders that can cause physical and psychological damage. Receiving treatment is essential for breaking the cycle of addiction. At our rehab centers in Los Angeles county we utilize modern scientific techniques. What are the best treatments for addiction? However, as a chronic disease, addiction is difficult

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How to think positive thoughts

Positive thinking can be achieved through a few different techniques that have been proven effective, such as positive self-talk and positive imagery. Here are some tips that to get you started that can help you train your brain how to think positively. Focus on the good things Challenging situations and obstacles are a part of life. When

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How to think positive thoughts
What are the symptoms of addiction?

What are the symptoms of addiction?

What are the symptoms of addiction? Have you ever wondered how to know if you are addicted to drugs? Addiction is a disease with a range of harmful symptoms, conditions and behaviors. Recognizing these signs can help a person with addiction receive the treatment they need. Doctors currently diagnose addictions under a category known as

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Is Alcoholism A Disease?

Is Alcoholism A Disease? If you’re unfamiliar with the medical terminology surrounding addiction you may have wondered is alcoholism a disease? The American Medical Association (AMA) declared alcoholism an illness in the late 1959s. Approximately 30 years later addiction was officially declared a disease in 1987 by the AMA and other professional medical organizations. Alcoholism

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Is Alcoholism A Disease?