Group Therapy
To ensure that residents aren’t hindered by cutting off all interactions, New Day Rehab hosts weekly group therapy sessions where we discuss mindfulness, parenting skills and relapse prevention. These tools are designed to help our residents once they leave the detox facility and continue their path towards becoming productive members of society.
By attending group therapy, residents can access multiple therapists, who provide multiple approaches and experiences. Because every resident has their own needs, they can choose the approach that works best for them, thereby increasing their chances of overcoming addiction.
Attendance and participation in group therapy sessions are mandatory for all residents. We also virtually host 12-step programs for both Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous, though these sessions are voluntary.
Therapy sessions with one’s peers can be very beneficial.
What are the benefits of group therapy? Group Therapy is when participants gather in a small group (usually around 5 to 15) with at least one professional therapist. Sharing your story with other participants with similar situations it’s beneficial to promote honesty and growth. It also helps build social skills and helps participants know they are not alone. Particularly in the instance of patients who suffer from substance abuse disorder group therapy helps them rebuild those social skills with like-minded peers. This helps grow their confidence and helps them return to society. Additionally it’s beneficial to hear from your peers about their successes to help other patient know that you can be successful.
Sharing one’s story in a safe environment among peers with similar issues can be very healing for patients with substance abuse disorder. The therapist is there to guide the participants in order to make sure that everything stays constructive and healthy. Each member of the group gets a chance to share and talk about how they’re feeling or what they’re going through or even their past trauma.
If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse disorder give us a call so you can start your new life with us!