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Our working definition of insanity will be that of Alcoholics Anonymous which is “doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.”  Surely most alcoholics will identify with this definition.  In Step two we find the admission that our past actions and thoughts were somewhat insane is necessary. Our downward spiral into alcoholism could

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Do the Footwork and Stay Out of the Results

This is a saying that one hears quite often in 12 Step meetings.  Addicts are quite results oriented people and like to control the outcome of any given situation.  That is, they want to know how a given situation is going to turn out before it even occurs!  Well, this is impossible in most situations. 

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Perseverance 2

Perseverance means “persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success (Oxford Dictionary).”  This is found to be true at times in achieving and maintaining sobriety.  Possibly in the beginning of our sobriety we are in a pink clous or honeymoon phase of our sobriety.  Our new found freedom from alcohol and drugs

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“Perception” often does not get enough attention in 12 Step settings.  Perception is how an individual sees or perceives something to be.  For an example let’s use a banana.  One side of it has brown spots on it and the other side is solid yellow. Picture someone sitting on either side of the banana.  One

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Why go Through a Medical Detox

In the last two years of practicing my addiction I became addicted to many different substances which could have resulted in a lethal combination.  It is rather odd that I survived in spite of all the various chemicals I was putting into my body on a daily basis.  By all reasonable means I should not

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We all have expectations about the way life is supposed to unfold.  We expect water to come out of the faucet when it is turned on.  We expect other cars to stop for the red light when we have the green light.  We expect bananas to taste like bananas when peeled.  All of these are

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Life on Life’s Terms

Accepting life on life’s terms was especially difficult for me in my early sobriety.  I had a sense of entitlement that I was to basically have a quiet and sane lifeby doing nothing.  Adversity did come in my first few years and I had to learn to surrender and show up.  Just because I was

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Think, Think, Think

When I was new to the program, I would see this slogan displayed and wonder what it meant.  I was totally baffled by it.  Was I to think a Lot? Did I need to think with other people? I didn’t have a clue as to what this meant.  Through the year that I have been

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In the end of my drinking and using career the only thing I trusted was the bottle and the drugs.  Then to my dismay they stopped working for me.  I could not get the desired reaction I wanted anymore, even with almost lethal doses of the drugs.  I tried different combinations of Seconal, Percocet, Ativan.

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“And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.….nothing happens in God’s world by mistake” (page 417, 4th Edition Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous). Many people confuse acceptance with resignation.  Resignation is like an “oh well” attitude while acceptance is an understanding of a person, place or thing.  When a situation occurs that we

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