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  One hears a lot of talk about medication in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous.  This can be about psychotropic medication or pain medication.  Some hardliners stress no medication of any kind whatsoever.  Other more moderate members stress taking as directed by one’s physician.  Still others are against the use of any kind of psychotropic

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Revisiting Step 5

  This step appears to be the boogeyman for some people.  Granted it may be hard to disclose some of or deepest darkest secrets.  But the program tells us that this is a necessary thing to do.  The reason is that we may not overcome our drinking if we harbor resentments and fears.  So, it

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Revisiting Step 10

  In steps 4 and 5 we learned the proper way to take a personal inventory.  Step 10 admonishes us to “continue to take personal inventory and when wrong promptly admitted it.”  It also says in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous for us to “continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment and fear.”  In

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Came To Believe

  In dealing with the concept of a Higher Power the Big Book states that we came to believe, not that we came to know or figured out.  We must lay aside prejudice and believe that there is a Power greater than ourselves who will solve our problems.  The first problem to be dealt with

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Live and Let Live

  This is another one of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) slogans we see displayed on the walls at meeting facilities.  To me it means that I should live my best possible life and, let others do the same.  Or it could be said that I need to mind my own business.  There is a saying

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Faith Without Works is Dead

  This is another saying that we hear around Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) on occasion.  It suggests that we should not rest on or laurels after taking the steps.  We have to give it away to keep it is another admonition around the fellowship.  If a person has truly taken the step, applied them in their

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What It Was Like

  When leading a meeting it is suggested that the leader shares what it was like, what happened and what it’s like now.  What it was like is to characterize our drinking career.  We may share when we started drinking and using and what was going on in our life at the time.  Possibly some

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Experience, Strength and Hope

  When being the solo speaker at a meeting it is suggested that we share our experience, strength and hope with the group.  Our experience is highlights of our drinking and using careers.  We may have gone very far down the scale, and we need to share this so that others may identify with our

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Experience, Strength and Hope

  When being the solo speaker at a meeting it is suggested that we share our experience, strength and hope with the group.  Our experience is highlights of our drinking and using careers.  We may have gone very far down the scale, and we need to share this so that others may identify with our

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What It Was Like

  When leading a meeting it is suggested that the leader shares what it was like, what happened and what it’s like now.  What it was like is to characterize our drinking career.  We may share when we started drinking and using and what was going on in our life at the time.  Possibly some

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