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Working with Others

Sharing the program with others who suffer how we were given help is the very thing which makes life seem so worthwhile to us now.  Our dark past is the very thing we have to share with others.  This dark past is the greatest possession we have – the key to life and happiness for

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It Works, If You Work It

We often hear this phrase around the 12 Step fellowship.  It is usually repeated in unison after the Lord’s Prayer in meetings in many parts of the country.  Just what does this very small phrase mean?  And why is it so important to understand? Well, the word “work” implies that there is some work to

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Promise #2

The second Promise that we are going to look at states that “that feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.”  Disappear?  That means they will be gone for good, one will not be bothered by them anymore.  When I was still drinking and using, I had become useless and full of self-pity.  Of course, I

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The Twelve Promises

In 12 Step literature we are able to find the 12 Promises on pages 83-84 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Of course, there are many more promises found in the book, this is just where 12 of them are grouped together.  Today we will look at the first promise which is “we are

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No Matter What

Back in the day you heard this phrase much more often than you do now.  I remember the first time I heard it I thought it was pure genius.  What a concept!  I don’t have to drink no matter what!!?? I have had lots of no matter whats throughout my sobriety.  The reason I stay

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In our circle of recovering addicts, we often hear talk of relapse.  All kinds of strange theories have evolved around this event.  Some say the addict hasn’t hit their bottom yet.  Others may say that they weren’t quite ready to remain sober. The plain and simple truth is that the addict just simply chose to

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Willingness is the Key

Recovery literature generally describes willingness as being indispensable to achieving sobriety.  Just what does this mean?  It means that we are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve sobriety.   It means letting go of many lifelong assumptions and beliefs in order to follow the new principles and guidelines we are learning in our recovery

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Open Mind, Open Heart

Many of us when new to recovery discover that our hearts and minds have been closed due to adverse events in our lives. Toxic relatives, other people, situations and life in general have caused us to place our hearts and minds under lock and key to avoid further injury.  Some of this may have justifiable

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What is a Sponsor and Why Do I Need One?

What is a Sponsor and Why Do I Need One?

A sponsor is a closed-mouth friend who will take you through the 12 Step program.  They are not someone who will loan you money, give you a place to stay, solve your job issues, or otherwise babysit you.  The people best equipped to sponsor someone are people who have some substantial time in the program. 

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Picking Your Battles

Picking your battles implies letting go of instances in which you would usually feel slighted.  This may seem like you are sanctioning the particular behavior from the other.  This is far from the reality of picking your battles.  By ignoring the verbal exchange completely, you are using a behavior tool known as extinction.  This is

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Picking Your Battles