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A trigger is something that can cause (an event or activity) something to happen or to exist. When dealing with addiction, a trigger can be described as something that propels us into the drink or drug. Being around old friends or playmates as they are often referred to in the fellowship can be extremely difficult

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Serenity and Peace

The 12 promises of the recovery program include the following promise: we will comprehend the word peace and we will know serenity. This may sound strange but in the beginning of my recovery I just could not comprehend this promise. It seems what was going on for me was that I was confusing boredom with

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Recovery Life

The recovery life is not a theory. We have to live it for it to remain effective in our daily lives. It may seem repetitious but just what is required in order to obtain and maintain our sobriety. Well continues defects of character crop up and we have to delve more deeply into them with

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After becoming sober one may wish to take a trip or at least experience a week-end getaway. Now that one can see clearly the world may look quite beautiful and colorful in certain places. If one has the resources and means to provide for a trip, then a trip may be in order. However, some

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“This Too Shall Pass”

Newly sober addicts will probably find a myriad of situations suddenly requiring their attention. These types of situations can be relational, financial, work related, health concerns, divorce or separation, homelessness, legal issues and many other types of difficulties. It may appear to the addict that he has entered a long, dark tunnel with no light

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Physical Well-being

As a newly sober person it may have been a while since we have seen a physician for a check-up. Drinking and using can wreak havoc in our physical bodies. I suggest that it would b a good idea to seek out a physician and receive a clean bill of health if that is the

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Some of us may still have a job when we become sober. Others may not have worked in a long time. Employers can be longsuffering with us or terminate us at the first sign of trouble. Either way we give them a hard time. We were hired to do a job and that is what

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There Is a Solution

After we have admitted our powerlessness over drugs and alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable, and saw how we needed to believe in a Higher Power who could alleviate the insanity we suffered, we came to page 25 in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The first full paragraph starts out in italics.

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The reason I decided to pursue a career in mental health, substance use and recovery is based upon personal experience. I personally underwent treatment for substance use and mental health issues. My sobriety date is April 3, 1985. I have remained sober continuously since that day. I know how far down the scale my life

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Is or Isn’t

Throughout the text of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous we find the words “must” and “suggest” used quite a bit. For our purposes here we will define must as something that is vital and has to be done. We will define suggest as a subtle command. In Chapter 5, How It Works, it states

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